
Kyle Reader

Hello and welcome to the world through my lens! I am a photographer, environmentalist, and storyteller based out of Northern California. I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, where I gained an affinity for the outdoors. Growing up I loved spending time in the Rockies, whether for a camping trip or just a day hike. I started taking photos as a way to document and share my experiences. I’ve since lived in Seattle, Washington and now in Northern California with my wife, Rachel. Exploring these states deepened my passions for the natural world and adventure. I also loved sharing the stories of the friends and people I met along the way. The experiences throughout my life captivated me, and motivated me to pursue photography. My goal with photography is to capture in image moments of awe, be it the immensity of a mountain range, the vitality of an ocean shore, or the animation within a room full of friends. These are the moments that help us foster connection to each other and to the beautiful planet we call home, and inspire passion to protect it.